on 16 Sep 2019 11:00 PM

REBUILD Showroom & Congress is the boutique innovation event for the building sector that brings together industry leaders and more than 200 exhibiting brands in an exclusive innovation showroom next to the National Congress of Advanced Architecture and Construction. A unique business platform at the confluence of new materials, offsite construction, sustainability, design, technology and energy efficiency.

Wood is becoming a structural material in Construction. And it does it in a very interesting way: they are sophistication of their set-ups, the resins with which panels are made, their conformation into 3D solid modules and including different formats.

On Tuesday, September 17, a presentation of the LIFE ReNatural NZEB project was made: objectives and scope, planned tests, demonstration projects, and dissemination and training actions, among other aspects. The presentation was made by our partners from the University of Córdoba.